Open your eyes panel discussion
© Dominic Nahr
Switzerland an organic country?
Vision or nutritional nightmare?
In cooperation with

As part of the open your eyes photo festival, a panel discussion on the topic of sustainability in nutrition will take place at ETH Zurich on 13 September 2023 from 5pm.
This format has been developed in cooperation with the World Food System Center and students of ETH Zürich, the Tages-Anzeiger and Alnatura.
Representatives from both organic and conventional agriculture, the industry as well as knowledgeable and interested students will take part in the discussion and critically address the question
„What will happen if Switzerland becomes Bioland? A vision or a nutritional nightmare?“.
The discussion will be moderated by Edith Hollenstein, business editor of the Tages-Anzeiger.
The aim of the discussion is to create an understanding of the issues at stake and to provide concrete tips for one’s own actions.
The discussion will be followed by an aperitif, where you will have the opportunity to exchange views with the discussants and other participants.
Wednesday, 13 September 2023 from 5 p.m. onwards
ETH Zürich, Room CHN C14
Universitätstrasse 16, 8092 Zürich
Only with registration, limited seats
until Sunday, 10 September 2023
After the discussion
Are you interested in participating? Register now via the registration link!
open your eyes festival buerau
Bahnhofstrasse 24
8001 Zürich
Phone: +41 44 218 11 03